This is a perfect example of what we want our website homepage to potentially look like. We like the shadow capturing at certain angles as it is similar to what we have in our music video. It is important to remember to have correlations between the artist in the video and how they are portrayed in the website. However, there is the possibility that it might come across as slightly boring, which is not the image we want to give to our artist.
This is a polar opposite example to the previous one. This is very animated and vibrant which we like as it makes the artist stand out. I also like the idea of having the cartoon drawing of the artist as it kind of proposes mystery. As well as this, I like the moving boarders at the side as it again attracts the audience as it is almost impossible to ignore.
This is a third example of the website homepage we might potentially use. The black and white scheme is similar to our video which is important as we want to keep certain themes the same. I also like the abstract artwork as well as the artist as it stands out.
In all the websites I have seen which are similar to our artist's image, they all seem to have recurring website layouts.
Almost all of them seem to have a section that focuses on their videos. These often are their most popular ones or most recent so they can promote further.
They also all seem to have a section that focuses on merchandising. This is again so they can promote it and make more money.
They also seem to all promote their social networking. In this particular example, AlunaGeorge is promoting Instagram.
There is always a section focused on tour dates and links to where someone can buy them or Share them.
Lastly, there will almost always be a promotion of their latest album or of their music.
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